This is an installation view of the work when it was in Space(s) Between at UCCS Galleries of Contemporary Art in Colorado in 2021.
Artist: Dani Dodge
Year: 2021
Title: "What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"
Medium: Installation made up of three videos and five images on transparency
Size: varies
Description: In 2019, Dani Dodge did a yearlong residency at the Prime Desert Woodland Preserve in Lancaster, Calif. During that time, she photographed and videotaped the desert landscape. In "What is seen..." Dodge creates an installation that layers images on transparent materials with videos shot by stop-motion cameras to give a deeper sense of the truth of nature.

Suspension (As displayed in Collaborate and Create at The Loft at Liz’s. The piece later was displayed at the Museum of Art and History in Lancaster, CA.)
Created in collaboration with Chelsea Dean
size: variable
Materials: Found objects and photos
The work speaks to the suspension of time one feels while in the desert.

Dani Dodge
1 min 50 seconds
Dani Dodge ran/walked the LA Marathon as a performance art piece. This is the resulting video.

one of 30 photos on canvas—documentation of an ephemeral public art project
95 (w) x 22 (h) inches
Dodge’s project Eavesdropping documents a paroxysm of grief over the death of her husband in early 2019. She spray painted quotes about relationships and sex on discarded mattress she found throughout the city of LA. The resulting photos, all shot in the 15 minutes before dawn, are printed on canvas. Eavesdropping explores relationships on three levels: the modern courtship (10 quotes from online dating profiles) the idealized courtship (10 pickup lines from TV shows), and the real romance of a 20-year marriage (10 quotes from her late husband.) All were spray painted onto discarded mattresses found in the city of LA the summer of 2019, with the exception of the final image created: the final words of her late husband painted on the mattress they shared.
Shown at Golden West College “Type” and Galerie Pom Pom in Sydney, Australia in “Return to Aus.”

Eavesdropping at Galerie Pom Pom, Sydney Australia in the show Return to Aus (Also shown at Golden West College “Type” exhibition)
30 photos on canvas—documentation of an ephemeral public art project
95 (w) x 22 (h) inches
Dodge’s project Eavesdropping documents a paroxysm of grief over the death of her husband in early 2019. She spray painted quotes about relationships and sex on discarded mattress she found throughout the city of LA. The resulting photos, all shot in the 15 minutes before dawn, are printed on canvas. Eavesdropping explores relationships on three levels: the modern courtship (10 quotes from online dating profiles) the idealized courtship (10 pickup lines from TV shows), and the real romance of a 20-year marriage (10 quotes from her late husband.) All were spray painted onto discarded mattresses found in the city of LA the summer of 2019, with the exception of the final image created: the final words of her late husband painted on the mattress they shared.

Khartoum at Durden and Ray in exhibition Specter of Documentation
Material: Stories clipped daily from L.A.Times from Aug. 10 to Oct. 9, 2018, velvet, interfacing, poly-fil, thread, chalk.
Approximately 76x80x120 inches
image: Jennifer Celio
InstallationMaterial: Stories clipped daily from L.A.Times from Aug. 10 to Oct. 9, 2018, velvet, interfacing, poly-fil, thread, chalk.
Approximately 76x80x120 inches
image: Jennifer Celio

Dani Dodge
The pulse that rose and fell in the abyss
Site-specific installation for Synthetic Shorelines at Durden and Ray
Materials: 500 eyeglass lenses, mirror, enamel paint
Size: Approximately 16x48x48inches
Dani Dodge
Size: 7-feet-tall, 5-feet-wide, 4-feet apart
Materials:. Organza, wedding dress, nylons, bras stuffing, branches from Irish forest, candles branch from beside CA 110, paint, resin

Dani Dodge
Mixed meda
4x2x1 feet
Materials: Shoebox, trophy, battery-operated fairy lights, model brain, organza, glitter, copper wire, thread.

Dani Dodge
Soft sculpture
Size: Three squares that vary from 24 inches square to 36 inches square
Materials: mattress skins, thread

Installation of sculptural works
18 feet across, 9 feet tall, 6 feet wide
Materials: Organza, mattress skins, blue wire, fishing line and plastic wrap.

Dani Dodge
Size: variable
Materials: Wall made of glass bricks with the ashes of people’s burned fears suspended within them.

Dani Dodge
3x4x6 feet tall
Materials: Styrofoam (mostly from packing materials), eyeglass lenses, and other everyday objects
Dani Dodge
Video installation
4x5x4 feet
Summary: News Cycle is a video installation that comments on how the current presidency has changed the journalistic news cycle. It incorporates video and old television broadcast monitors as well as a vintage AV cart and vintage wastebasket. The abstract background of the first video was shot on a New York subway, while all the letters and “static” were painted on cardboard found less than a block from Trump Tower. She created the sound for the piece by asking both Republicans and Democrats to make the noise of static and then merging the voices into a composition of sound.

Dani Dodge
Video installation
24x36 inches
Materials: Three videos on iPads, prescription eyeglass lenses, mirrors, fishing line.

Dani Dodge
13 inches tall and 13 inches wide.
Materials: Plaster, pantyhose, paint, sutures, tinfoil, fishing line and wire