Choppy Waters
For Choppy Waters, Dani Dodge hung nearly 100 paper boats from signs, trees, and fences along Los Angeles’ North Main Street. The installation was part of the outdoor exhibition, Drive-By-Art Artist organized by artist and activist Warren Neidich, and co-curated by Renee Petropoulos, Michael Slenske, and Anuradha Vikram.
In Choppy Waters, Dani explored ideas of bodies out of place and time.
Story here: https://robbreport.com/lifestyle/news/drive-by-art-allows-guests-safely-view-art-during-pandemic-2925092/?fbclid=IwAR3OXCto0Z8p_adtQXH5-7FtqGqkzg9CFzETIvjPBkVIJ42ydNIEEvmAprE