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Synthetic Shorelines at Durden and Ray

Artists from Iceland and Los Angeles explore their relationship to self and coastal existence in Synthetic Shorelines at Durden and Ray 

Curated by Freyja Eilíf of Ekkisens Art Space, Reykjavik, Iceland

Artists: Sara BjörgDani Dodge, Freyja Eilíf, David Leapman, Katrína Mogensen, Sean NoyceKristín Morthens, and Ty Pownall

Synthetic Shorelines are a living thought and manmade boundary between elements, where textures and forms are combined in novel mindshapes.

In this exhibition, artists from different shores—Los Angeles and Reykjavík, Iceland—meet and lead an expedition where no boundaries exist except the self in its human condition.

In our gender-conscious, emotionally-trodden world of unexplained confines, these artists create a journey that merges two different shorelines and leads the viewer further into the unknown: an oceanic bottom of subconsciousness where the otherworld takes over, where time is ripe to search for clues about our new-age-media, post-humanistic existence.

The artists exhibiting work at Synthetic Shorelines share use of abstract imagery while digging into dimensions of the self through processed-based and medium-specific art. Many of the artists share an animist spirituality through materials.

The opening will include a unique opportunity for viewers to merge with their inner computer spirit when Freyja Eilíf will lead them through a meditation into digital dimensions through a mixed media video installation. Sara Björg will present objects that trigger physical interaction. Her methods encourage physical learning and offer a new perspective on play.
Also, Katrína Mogensen will host a performance related to her work on Nov. 17, 2018.

Address: 1206 Maple Ave. #832, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Opening reception: Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018, 7-10 p.m.
Run of show: Nov. 10-Dec. 1, 2018
Hours: Saturday and Sunday, noon-5p.m.andby appointment (closed Thanksgiving weekend, except by appointment)